
Thinking about having an Estate Sale?

Do you find yourself now dealing with all the stress of moving an aging parent or relative?
Or perhaps you’re facing the huge task of downsizing or liquidating a property due to the passing of a loved one?
We understand this can be overwhelming. Where do you start? When will you find the time?

We’re here to help you with all of that, from beginning to end!

We’ll begin by talking with you on the phone and answering any questions or concerns you may have. Then you may schedule a time where we’ll come to the property for you to show us exactly what you’d like to include in your sale. This will give us a good idea of how much you have and what ‘type’ of sale is best suited for you: estate, moving, downsizing, etc.

No upfront fees and we think you’ll find we have the most reasonable rates!


Organization. We will organize, arrange, and display all items to be sold.

Pricing. We will appraise all of your items, large and small. We have great relationships with experts in all different fields, freely sharing each other’s knowledge assuring you’ll get the market value on your items. If we believe there are certain items of value that are not within our area of expertise, we may choose to engage an outside appraiser who has that necessary expertise — at our expense.

Advertising. We will arrange and are responsible for appropriate advertisements and all costs for the sale to appear in the media concerning your sale.
This will include both print ads, an email blast reaching several hundred as well as powerful Online ads.
Most sales will take place from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM. on a Saturday. Depending on the quantity, we may choose to hold a two-day sale. We can also hold your sale open for an extra week in order to maximize your gross amount by selling certain items online.
Conduct of Sale. To assist with the sale, we will hire individuals as needed from a pool of honest, experienced, and reliable individuals familiar to us, and with integrity, we demand our services.

Unless you instruct us otherwise, we will conduct your sale with two objectives:

A. To sell every available item; and

B. To maximize the proceeds from the sale.

Disposal of Unsold Items. There will always be some unsold items at the conclusion of a sale. We can gladly suggest names of charities that can pick these up, or, for a nominal service fee, we will make arrangements for removal of said items.
NOTE: We are happy to tell you, unlike some companies, we DO NOT have it in our contract that WE own everything after the sale. Your ‘stuff’ is your ‘stuff’. Period.

Cleaning. We strive to make your sale appealing to customers. ‘Light’ cleaning, dusting, and gathering of garbage (able to fit in large trash bags) to make the sale more desirable to customers is included. In some situations, a fair fee for heavier cleaning can be negotiated.

It’s our experience that some customers will purchase more if they are able to use their credit cards. To accommodate them and make for a more successful sale for all, we accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and Paypal for your sale.

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